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People come and go out of my life, but usually not because of any enmity. I am sure there are dislikable characteristics or attributes about me from a certain few, who have grown to know me over time. I try not to go out of my way to impress anyone unless it is regarding to my overall benefit. I have learned to let go of people more easily and establish boundaries.
I was once too empathetic with everyone, but now that has decreased to people I choose to care about. It does not mean I am unkind to others; it is about prioritizing myself more. We must be better at working on ourselves before trying to help others. Self-improvement does not have to become an obsession, though. Once I learned to find that balance, life became easier.
Fast forward to today, I still dream big and have more opportunities to make them come true. The abilities I have are more than one or two and make me eclectic or a Renaissance person. I do not have the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci, but I am multi-talented in aspects of art and science, too. I prefer to see myself as a balanced brain person, with both logical and creative sides working in unison.
From observation, communicating from the first-person point of view, though not selfish but less lightly than communicating inclusively with you, as the recipient and an important part of that interaction. During a conversation, the more I mention your name, the better you feel about our relationship, whether business or otherwise. Leadership is about inclusiveness and participation first-hand instead of barking out orders. Though, someone may be a great manager but lacks the soft skills of being a boss.
Putting it all together, I am learning not to be too hard on myself and accept being human. I will make mistakes and say things wrongly. Though, I also do not have any regret if I had or have lapses in judgement, at any point past, present, or future. None of these words define me.