How do I know when I am in love with someone? I have been with several women in my life, but I am not sure I have yet felt the love that God wants me to have with a woman. Can it hit me one day if I have been with a woman long enough? Does being in love take time, because I honestly do not know if I have felt that beautiful all around feeling with someone before. We both must feel it within every part of our being, our emotions, our mind, our bodies, and most importantly, our spirits or souls.
It is a love much deeper than what I can read in a novel or watch on the movie screen. There are not any words to describe it, but there seems like there is a reason, I do not know if I have felt that way or not. Having a true soulmate, if that is possible, the kind of love you hear about from different people, who have their own ideas and beliefs about it. It is a heaven connection I believe, and one brought together by God. It is something I also believe cannot happen fast, and that fast part has happened to me too many times.
I want it to be natural and mature for both of us, without any imbalance. It is okay to have minor conflicts once we have been together for a while, but we must be there with each other in both the bad and good times. We must laugh and cry together. We go through thick and thin and accept each other’s unhealthy habits. It occurs at any age, except for the youth, who may not fully understand what this kind of love is.
I have learned to unconditionally love more people, but romantically loving and committing to one woman is something I have not accomplished yet. I do not know if I will or not before I die. Though, I believe both of us will know if this love we have for each other is true.