Claiming to be old school is okay, to a point, but we should learn how to adapt to yhe latest technology. Even if we are in our golden years, it is best to learn to adapt. In my art and writing, I enjoy being original, but I have accepted that artificial intelligence is the way of the future. If we do not give in to how the world is now and remain complacent in our ways, we cannot make progress. Thus, everyone should learn to adapt to technology.
Learning organizations are vastly different. People are constantly talking to one another, sharing information and knowledge, and debating ideas.[1] Therefore, in locations of learning, interacting with people helps us better adapt to change. At schools and universities, it is a group that is learning to adapt together instead of individually. It also brings a sense of teamwork into any project.
In application to modern technology, younger students are more flexible because of their introduction to technology at a younger age, but learning technical skills today is much easier. I, on the other hand, started learning technology midlife, and it was more difficult for me to adapt. Students apply their knowledge of postural and positional parameters (performance logic) to nonideal operational settings so they can learn to adapt equipment to their needs as human operators.[2] This is from a performance simulation, whereby teachers instruct students hands-on with better ways of instruction than earlier methods.
When We Learn to Adapt to New Technology, We Win
When I learn to adapt to technology, as an older man, it is not only for educational purposes. It is also for social interactions and relationships. Parents must learn new ways of learning from their children. They must accept that they are learning differently from when they attended school. It is not necessarily the smartest person that wins at life, or anything for that matter, but the person that is best at adapting to change. Whether it’s at work or in your personal life, being versatile allows you to build relationships with a variety of people because of your ability to adapt to any situation.[3]
I know there are many times I felt stuck because there was not any change occurring, or it was from the same repetitious ways of previous years. I knew what to expect with hardly any incident of learning, except memorizing. When technology came out later, it made learning exciting for me. Everything is firsthand or visual, which I enjoy. I understand why older people do not want to learn to adapt to new technology.
Back in the early 1990s and before, I was not interested in learning anything. Computers put a spark on me, and when I took a personal computer repair correspondence course in 2003, I was excited and thrilled about learning technical skills. I started junior college in 2006, and even English composition authoring essays was enjoyable, but educational technology was amazing to me, so I adapted well. Today, I am a writer and researcher but limited for medical reasons. I have worked in the technology field for about twenty years. Students can benefit from educational technology because it can personalize instruction and adapt to their strengths and weaknesses.[4] The ever-changing use of technology in education is advancing tremendously.
Nowadays, Getting Knowledge Is Easy
Coming into an era of virtual classroom and interactive online labs made online learning simple, for me anyway. Education has entered an era that will challenge our ability to adapt and to interact with new technological and interactive media.[5] Artificial intelligence is now common in education, too. Electro-mechanical engineering is a field of study, especially in the form of robots and drones. Self-driving vehicles are here for land, water, and air. Here is a resource for learning. It is easy learning technical skills too.
Even robots are learning to adapt to human tasks and changing the work force. Car assembly lines are mostly robotic. Medical robots are doing surgeries and the field of medical technology and finding new ways for curing diseases is remarkable. We want a robot that does not just react to its environment as a reflex action but has goals and intent to learn and adapt to the environment.[6] The environment affects robots less than humans and better at performance overall on certain tasks, but learning technical skills is important.
I have adapted to our modern world more so than many of my high school classmates did with technology. I still enjoy art and music but now a variety of eclectic study is my preference. If we do learn to adapt to new technology, we will be left behind.
[1] Sarder, Russell. Building an Innovative Learning Organization : A Framework to Build a Smarter Workforce, Adapt to Change, and Drive Growth, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Created from atpa-ebooks on 2025-02-19 00:27:06. Learning technical skills is a must in tody’s world.
[2] Rucker, Lance M. Performance Simulation: The Method. , 1986. ProQuest,
[3] Levasseur, Derrick. The Undercover Edge : Find Your Hidden Strengths, Learn to Adapt, and Build the Confidence to Win Life’s Game, Sourcebooks, Incorporated, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central,
[4] Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide. Office of Educational Technology, US Department of Education, 2020. ProQuest,
[5] Van Horn-Christopher, Doris A. “Technology and the Future of Education.” ERIC, Resources in Education (RIE), 1993, pp. 1-20. ProQuest,
[6] Govers, Francis X.. Artificial Intelligence for Robotics : Build Intelligent Robots That Perform Human Tasks Using AI Techniques, Packt Publishing, Limited, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central,
References accessed 18 February 2025 I learn to adapt to technology.