Arkansas River inlet off of Ronnie Udouj Walking Trail in Fort Smith
Our ancestors often pass down bad qualities or characteristics to their heirs, but there are sometimes unknown heroes, who stop it by themselves. If you have the mindset of achieving perfection, then maybe you should just accept excellence. My belief is that we should adopt uniqueness or something rare in ourselves that makes us different from the status quo.
We rely on a power greater than ourselves, whom we mostly claim as a deity. Hence, We have mentors and people we look up to, but all-in-all we have the free will to make personal choices, which will not be right all the time. We get other chances to make it right.
Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit Create Our Individuality
Each one of us has a mind, body, emotions, and a spirit, and creates our individuality or persona. We tend to look for balance, but people do excel only in one of the four, sometimes. You can have a weak mind and strong body, but there will not be balance unless our emotions and spirit are closer to same level as the other two.
I know, personally, I let my emotions get to me and have often worn my heart on my shirt sleeve. There is a connection between mind and spirit, which is consciousness, and it is one of the newest revelations on the planet. The body is just a vessel for this life, and usually the emotions tie everything together to make us human.
Thus, having a deeper connection and understanding of everything and everyone makes our transformation from an egotistical body and life into a spiritual one easier.