Product Reviews

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‘The Laws of Human Nature’ by Robert Greene is an Audible audiobook with examples throughout history and today describing how these laws work. There is much about the topic we thought we knew but gives us new insight and how we can apply them to our lives, or take them away if detrimental.

It is a 28 hour 26 minute lengthy book with plenty of insight where you can listen to it anywhere. This link takes you to the book on Amazon, and it pays me a little commission if you purchase, but it cost the same as if you went directly to Amazon shopping. You can also purchase as Kindle book or hardcover and paperback.

Amazon Movers and Shakers page, or the highest trending products are at this link

‘Hanes Men’s EcoSmart Fleece Full-Zip Hoodie Sweatshirt’ is a warm easy to zip hoodie sweatjacket. I find it warm by itself, but it is light enough to wear under my coats as another layer. it is great for jogging or running in colder waether. It comes in various sizes and colors to fit your styles. it easily washes and dries and does not wrinkle. You will not be disappointed with this product.

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