Do we know who is running our world?
Necessitating an unfeasible double vision, DeLillo’s art-work, then, boldly engages with the aesthetic and epistemological dilemma that seems to accompany all attempts to come to terms with globalization: namely, the impossibility of holding together the experiential and the conceptual – in other words, to fully articulate local life-worlds with their insertion into the global.[1] The great writer Don DeLillo as partially written about in this 1997 article from The New Yorker magazine explains a little bit about his creativeness and genius writing, We are already in a new or one world order, which has both good and evil authorities. Even our own US government keeps the American public super ignorant, including me. I have the gift of finding reliable and truthful resources not based on any assumptions but of pure fact, and how even how our current media of social persuasion and shared stories along news is still, mostly, pure propaganda.
This New World Order, run by a few humans and other beings, for which we are unaware, now can leave earth at any time and take a few select people for the continued propagation of humanity and let the rest of us go into total world destruction. This seems like science fiction horror writing, but it unfortunately true.
I am sure some of you recall the speech given by former president George Bush Sr. in 1991 about the new world order. The post-World War II era was symbolically marked by the global role of the United Nations as an agent for the promotion of peace; the New World Order compels a destructive and value-negative agenda on states and on the poor population within states around the world.[2] It is already established as true and not of conspiracy, but it is better known by the term globalization, which is supposed to keep the world violently divided.
The subject, of a new world order, raises eyebrows and is a topic of skepticism and followers of those skeptics, who seem to be the puppet masters fragmented throughout our current world. This abstract in part I, which examines the necessities of life, views presented on what to do about population problems and how to meet the universal needs for food, housing, and health care. Part II provides a variety of perceptions on the major social transformation into a new world order.[3]
Even though I could write for hours on this subject, I will now end this writing know that most people do not read my lengthy nonconforming posts to the algorithms of Facebook, which is preferably concise.
[1] Global Fragments : (Dis)Orientation in the New World Order, BRILL, 2007. ProQuest Ebook Central,
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[2] Yovanovich, Gordana. New World Order : Corporate Agenda and Parallel Reality, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central,
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[3] “Optimistic Outlooks: Latest Views on the Global Future by a Galaxy of International Experts.” ERIC, Resources in Education (RIE), 1982, pp. 1-188. ProQuest,